


 ニューヨークのテロ未遂事件の容疑者が、統一協会が資金を出し、アメリカ統一協会の元代表(president)であるNeil Albert Salonen紙が学長であるブリッジポート大学で2つの学位を取得していたというニュースです。ちなみに、この学長さん、1997年の2000双(2万組のこと)の合同結婚式でMCをしていたとも言われています。

【HuffingtonPost 2010年5月4日】
Faisal Shahzad Earned MBA From University Of Bridgeport

HARTFORD, Conn. ? Officials at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut say the man suspected of parking a car bomb in Times Square earned computer and business degrees there.

School officials say Faisal Shahzad (FY'-sul shah-ZAHD') graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer applications and information systems in 2000 and later returned to earn a master's of business administration in 2005.

University spokeswoman Leslie Geary says Shahzad was a transfer student from Southeastern University in Washington, D.C., which lost its accreditation last year.

She says the University of Bridgeport has notified federal homeland security officials and the FBI about Shahzad's attendance at the college.

【CT POST 2010年5月5日】 UB buffeted by terror suspect's ties to school

Amanda Cuda, Linda Conner Lambeck And Noelle Frampton, STAFF WRITERS
Published: 12:39 a.m., Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BRIDGEPORT -- The revelation that Faisal Shahzad, a suspect in last weekend's failed car-bomb attack in New York's Times Square, received two degrees from the University of Bridgeport has thrust the school into an international media firestorm.
ブリッジポート ― 先週末ニューヨークで発生した自動車爆弾テロ未遂事件の容疑者ファイシャル・シャザドが、ブリッジポート大学から2つの学位を受けていたことから、同大学には海外のメディアが殺到している。

Shahzad received a bachelor of science degree in computer applications and information systems from UB in the fall of 2000, and attended commencement to pick up his diploma the following May. He returned to UB to study for an MBA and received the degree in the summer of 2005.

The attention focusing on UB in the wake of the alleged bomb plot, in light of the school's troubles over the last two decades, was not welcome by university administrators and some students at the South End campus.

When the university was saved from financial ruin by money supplied by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church in 1991, enrollment dwindled to fewer than 1,400 students. Since that controversial relationship was forged, UB has spent the past two decades rebuilding its student body and reputation.

The university has long had a large enrollment of foreign students. In the 1970s, there was an influx of students from Iran. In 2001, during the time Shahzad was a student, 41 percent of the UB student body came from overseas. There is still a strong international population, but a growing enrollment of Americans as well.

Of UB's current enrollment of 5,103 students, 34 percent are international, said Leslie Geary, a UB spokeswoman. Students come from 90 countries, and there are currently 21 students from Pakistan, Shahzad's native land.

Tuesday afternoon, several of the university's international students expressed mixed feelings about the impact of Shahzad's arrest on UB.


Indeed, several city police sources speculated the University of Bridgeport may be a breeding ground for radical behavior because of its large Middle Eastern student population. They are concerned that the city's location -- close to New York City -- coupled with its relative lack of resources to root out terrorism, could make it a prime setting for terrorist cells.

In a statement released Tuesday morning, Michael Spitzer, UB's provost and vice president for academic affairs, confirmed that Shahzad had attended the school, but drew a firm line between his alleged terrorist plans and the school's reputation.

"The university abhors acts of violence and terrorism," the statement read. "We work to combat racial and ethnic prejudices and animosity, and believe that education in an international context is the key to understanding the values and beliefs of people from other cultures."



 ところで、この大学のアカデミックな面でのレベルってどうなんでしょうか。アメリカのカレッジボードのサーチ情報で、同じコネチカット州のコネチカット大学ブリッジポート大学を調べたところ、新入生のSAT(Scholastic Assessment Test、大学進学適性試験)の数字にかなりの開きがあるようです。ちなみに、ブリッジポート大学付属の英語学校に入ればTOEFLEのスコアなしに大学に入れるそうですし、日本の留学斡旋業者による「おすすめ度」は5段階中の1だそうです。


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